Father of two, raised by a Turkish mother and a German father, plays computer games since childhood (rarely, unfortunately …), grows hot chili peppers under artificial light, plays a duduk to annoy the neighbors.
Academic Education
since 2020
Ongoing Habilitation Project: “Zahlenkörper: Die numerische Fabrikation somatischer In/Differenz” | “Quantified Bodies: The Numerical Fabrication of Somatic In/Difference” (working title)
PhD (Dr. phil.), University of Hamburg, interdisciplinary, University of Hamburg, first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klein (Sociology, Sociology of Sport), second supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Arne Dekker (Sociology, Sex Research) Grade: oral and written: summa cum laude
M.A. (Mag. Art.) in Sociology with minors in Cultural Anthropology and Educational Science, University of Münster Grade: 1,2 (among best 5% of the class)
Teaching Award in Social Sciences, University of Göttingen
Teaching Award in Social Sciences, University of Göttingen
Scholarship of the Global Young Faculty, Mercator Research Foundation
PhD Thesis Award of the German Sociological Association (DGS), Sociology of the Body and Sports (1st prize)
DOSB Research Award – German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) (3rd Place)
Research Interests
Sociology of Sport, Technology, and Body
Gender Diversity in Sport and Medicine
Technological Resilience and Crisis Research
Qualitative Research Methods
German-Japanese exchange on Crises, Resilience, and Technologies
Student Assistant at the Institute for Sexual Research Hamburg; DFG project “Treatment experiences and treatment satisfaction of people with different forms of Intersex/DSD” and BZgA-funded project “Sexual and social relationships of 17- and 18-year-old women and men”
DFG International Cooperation “Resilient Healthcare in Times of Multiple Crises” (RE-CARE) (Founder)
Interdisciplinary Committee on the Medical Treatment of Children with Congenital Sex Differences, BGB 1631e (Advisory Board)
VIELFALT IN BEWEGUNG! Queer Network and LandesSportBund of Lower Saxony (Advisory Board)
German Sociological Association (Member)
Working Group “Philosophy of Digitality” (Member)
German Society of Sport Science (Member)
German Society of Sport Science – Gender Equality Committee (Member)
Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN) (Member)
German Academy of Ethics in Medicine (Member)
Centre for Modern East Asian Studies Göttingen (Member)